Somethings appear better when u r into and others when viewed from far..Engineering belongs to latter category..
Having said that it does not imply that i did not enjoy this two years of technical education.It was fun and at the same time it sucks to mug everything , submitt assignments,beg for marks(worst scene in nitte)then cry for each single marks u loose,carry out labs on all your without any real supervision by subjects without knowing their reall worth huh there thousand more things to be pissed off.But wait there are those few EUREKHA..moments when you realise what you were learning about like what Fourier series actually does what a microcontroller is intended to do ,what actually flipflop or a latch is ,But may be all this knowledge will go in vain once we finish our pre final year and get dumped in to software companies.................
hope we dont get stuck in some mindless jobs :)